Robotics learning solution suitable for middle grades and above 9+

VEX robot has been in the predominant position in science and innovative education for teenagers worldwide since its invention in 2005. It is a world leading robotics educational platform purposely designed for education and competition. V5 electronics are developed with years of experience and feedbacks forming a faster, smarter, and more powerful control system thus suiting all learning environments. The VEX robotics world championship is held by the influential robotics foundation RECF.
Suitable for age 9+
STEM Essence
實體的實驗活動,使學習者沉浸在科學,技術,工程和數學 (STEM) 概念中。
VEX robots not only develop science and engineering knowledge, but also enhance students’ creatability, teamwork skills, leadership skills, and problem solving skills.
VEX Robotics Competitions introduce a new exciting VEX game every year as the challenge for world competition!

VEX IQ Robot Hardware Equipment
Curious robotics fully adopt the latest version of VEX IQ Generation 2.0 hardware

Classroom Environment
IQ Robot Brain (2nd Gen)
- Full color screen
- 12 Smart Ports
- Built-in Bluetooth 5.0 Radio
- Built-in 6-Axis Gyro/Accelerometer

Robot parts
- VEX series parts can be combined with each other
- A complete range of parts can make complex mechanical structures
- Use pin connection

Motors and Sensors
- VEX officially produces over 10 different sensors for the VEX IQ robotics
- Plug and play, no need to worry about interface and data connection
- The 3-wire port on the v5 brain is compatible with other DuPont connector sensors
- Continuous introduction of new sensors

VEX IQ Robot Software Control
Scratch3.0 , add functions exclusive to VEX robots, the friendly interface allows beginners to get started as soon as they use it.
近年最流行的 Python 程式語言也有支援,還可以直接將圖形化程式轉換成 Python,更容易入門文字型程式。
The most suitable compiled program for the robot to run, the pursuit of the best performance, including a complete message library, professional and comprehensive control of the robot .

VEXcode IQ

Over 30,000 students help to break the record for largest robot competition.
GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title set for most people coding robots simultaneously.
VEX Robotics Competition
VEX robotics competition was created in the US in 2007. It is separated into three distinct levels: middle school, high school, and college level. Participant teams are required to design and construct a robot and develop programs respectively that function on a specific arena that follows all given regulations. The robot has the ability to complete given tasks automatically as well as to be controlled by the joystick.
VIQC Season 2023-2024